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HomeBreastGrand Master Breast Surgery

Right choice for healthy breast surgery

Grand Master
Breast Surgery

More safe,
More dramatic

#concern check

Breast Surgery, why is it hard to make a decision?

Concern about
the safety

  • Skill of doctors

  • Diagnostic system before and after surgery

  • Advance medical technology

  • Safety of implant

  • Safety system

  • Postop warranty

Concern about
the satisfaction

  • Unsatisfying size

  • Unnatural texture

  • Asymmetrical shape

  • Noticeable scar

  • Pain after surgery

  • Slow recovery

Can all concerns of breast surgery be satisfied?

Right choice for healthy breast surgery

Grand Master Breast Surgery

Meet Grand Master Breast Surgery that satisfies
both concerns of safety and satisfaction

Threatening breast health after surgery, Capsular Contracture and
Breast Implant Associated- Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL)

After all, healthy capsule formation is the
key to breast augmentation

  • PROBLEM 01

    Capsular Contracture

    Symptoms of abnormal hardening and thickening of capsule formed around the implant due to various causes

  • PROBLEM 02

    Breast Implant Associated-Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL)

    Symptom of fluid collection(seroma) accumulating between the capsule and the implant as the rough surface of the implant stimulates the tissue causing mass.


Healthy formed capsule after Breast Surgery

Capsule that is even and has adequate elasticity is formed.

  • Breast implant insertion

  • ‘Capsule’ is formed due to normal immune system defense mechanism

What is Grand Master Breast Surgery?

  • Collaboration of Plastic surgeon & Dermatologist & Anesthesiologist & Internist that can handle any difficult surgery case.
  • Natural and dramatic breast can be made by forming healthy capsule.
  • Thorough management from implant selection to post-operative care.


Grand Master’s choice for safer and
dramatic breast surgery

FDA approved, implant that minimizes tissue irritation is used

  • Carefully selected KFDA approved implants
    Grand uses only KFDA approved implant including Motiva, BellaGel SmoothFine, etc to satisfy the texture, shape and safety.
  • Implant that has smooth surface is used
    As the rough surface stimulates the breast tissues and increases BIA-ALCL rate, implant expect the texture type that has rough surface is used.


Grand Master’s choice for safer and
dramatic breast surgery

Beautiful and healthy Real-Fit breast volume

  • Collaboration of specialists in each department and completion of natural volume that is both healthy and frim.
  • Custom design considering pectoralis muscle mass, shape and size of the chest, skin type and skin thickness, etc.
  • Prevention of capsular contracture with dry pocket technique that dissects 120% of the implant size.
  • When the implant is bigger than the chest size, nerve damage is prevented with a technique of dissecting the backside of the nerves.


Grand Master’s choice for safer and
dramatic breast surgery

After healing care that completes Breast Surgery care

  • Surgeon in charge checks the recovery status at all times.
  • Scars, swelling, and pain are minimized with healing care including laser treatment and swelling injections, etc.
  • Capsular contracture preventive medication is prescribed and ultrasound massage care is provided.
  • Elasticity & regeneration management maximizes the firmness and texture of the breast.


Our consultant will contact you shortly if you leave your inquiry here.